Meet Lid Boss
Imagine grabbing your morning coffee or a quick drink on the go. You trust that the lid on your cup is clean and secure, but have you ever considered how many hands have touched it before yours?
Accommodates most brands
Lid Boss has been specially designed to accommodate hundreds of lid sizes from dozens of lid manufacturers
Close Proximity Motion Sensor
Allows a simple wave of the hand to activate the dispenser.
No-Touch, Easy Load Design
A removable, clear gravity tube and single-action push button release make LID Boss easy to load; lids can be loaded from sleeve so they are never touched by hands.
How It Works
LID Boss™ dispenses lids with the wave of a hand!
With LID Boss, lids are fully contained and untouchable, until you wave your hand. With that wave, a single clean lid is dispensed. There is no chance for contamination from other customers or their kids. And, no need for handling by employees once the machine is filled or ongoing handling that takes valuable time but must be done to keep a facility orderly.